How we started......
Looking for (3) people for the Ragamuffin Road Recovery Group (RRRG)
RRRG is strictly a volunteer activity to pick up and dispose of street trash and debris that is located in Everett Washington while walking with me in this venture.
A sandwich will be provided to each member on cleanup days.
Garbage bags will be collected at a common area and I will haul them away after work is completed
for the day.
The walks will typically be about 2 hours. This will mostly depend on weather conditions.
Members will be notified of pickup dates and times during the week.
Requirements of each member :
Be clean and sober. NO drugs or alcohol allowed. Smoking is permitted.
Stay on sidewalks and obey all street laws. Example – Using the crosswalk at intersections with walk
light on. Always remember your safety is our number one priority.
Do not walk or pick up trash on areas of personal propriety. Including yards or driveways that belong
to the homeowner. If your unsure leave it alone and inform me of it later during our walk.
For large items that won’t fit in the bag or require heavy lifting, take a note of the location and we’ll
pick it up later at the end of our walk. Examples – chairs, furniture, big pieces of cardboard, etc.

Here's a few photos taken on Hwy 529 between Everett and Marysville, the walkway bridge from Grand Ave to Marine View Drive and a small snapshot of one of the many bags I collected on the near railroad on marine view drive.