IN This Place you get well...
you will get hope just ask Jazzie. She is the real Snazzie one that has the glow of God upon her....and her partner with the wheels that gets the wheels turning..Thank You from me.
Love and Respect
Thank You for the Hope and Wellness
Thank God Above for the Angels.

Thank You
"The last few years have been extremely hard on me. You have no idea how many times I've been let down by false promises and people i truly believed wanted to help but never did. But you were always there checking in and keeping me motivated and there is no way ill ever forget your hard work and effort you have put in on my behalf. Jasmine i thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Sometimes....a small bit of care....
"Sometimes, a small bit of care is enough to amplify my own efforts into actual life change, your care has done that for me. The pebbles of help that you cast into my pond, create tidal waves of positive change on every shore. Keep up the good work!! Your doing far more than you think."

Being one of the Them....
"In 2017 i thought iI had dozens and dozens of friends in 2021 less than 5 people in the world would even talk to me with respect......Thank you for being one of them"
On my darkest days you didn't give up!!
I wanted to write you and tell you thank you...When I walked though your doors, I was brokenhearted I had given up, even now I am crying as praying this morning.
On my worst days you never gave up!!